About Ismail Sirdah

Ismail Sirdah Taking Photo


Do you have a passionate, experienced photographer by your side?

If not, Ismail Sirdah is the ideal photographer for you. His interest in the art of photography began at a young age, with just a small SLR camera. He took as many photos as he could and learned from his mentor.

He worked his way up the ladder by starting as a photography assistant. Through this position, he was able to try out a range of different pieces of equipment and truly learn the art of taking a great photograph.

Later in his career, Ismail began to diversify into a range of photography styles, including retail photography, wedding photography, and even travel photography. He has developed an innate understanding of different technologies and the changing expectations of the average person.

Whether it’s images that will eventually hit social media or traditional images destined for a leather-bound album, Ismail knows what’s necessary for your next shoot.

As Ismail’s photography business expanded, he began to teach photography in a variety of styles. It led to him establishing his own photography school, which produced lots of talented photographers who went on to open their own businesses and write their own success stories within the industry.

But, while rewarding, it took Ismail away from doing what he enjoys the most: dealing directly with clients.

Today, Ismail is back to doing what he does best. He has returned to his roots by going into business for himself. These days he is back to providing his services directly to clients who want a clean, high-quality photo session that’s guaranteed to preserve their memories forever.

If you want only the best photographer, contact Ismail today and set up a consultation!